Line Item Posting Command Line

AC      ASSIGN CARRIER:     Allows you to change carriers.

AD      Apply total Amount to Deductible

AF      ASSIGN FORM STATUS:     Allows you to hold or release a claim form ( or EDI )

AS      Admission status

AQ      Select Queue and add claim to selected work queue.

AS      Assign Admission Status

B       Bill Claim EDI

BE      Switch to Billing Screen

BN      Start Posting Batch Number 

BP      Bill EDI a claim assigned to a secondary payer as a primary claim. This is useful where the services are not covered or allowed by the primary carrier.

D       Distribute Payment across line items based on charge amount weighted

DA      Apply Deductible

DR      Edit Assigned Doctor

E       Start Entering Single Transaction Mode Amounts

EDIT    Edit Line Items (Super Required )

EN      EOB Note

EOB     Print EOB

ERA     Print ER

EQ      Add to Eligibility Batch Queue

EZ      Mark Claim for Medicaid EZ-link documentation upload and bring up the upload website.

H       Hardcopy 1500

HE      Switch to Hardcopy Screen     

HP      Hard-copy a claim assigned to a secondary payer as a primary claim.

HX      View Claim Number History.

I       Insert Claim Dates – Admit, Discharge, etc.

IN      Edit Insurance Note per Line item Fields

L       View Ledger Card

L1      View Ledger Card – legacy version

L2      View Ledger Card – Think App version

LM      Switch on Learn Mode

LN      Add Ledger Note to the financial ledger – does not show on claim.

M       View EMR generated charges for current patient

N       Enter Claim Note for box 19 to appear on the claim

P       Page forward

PT      Go to Patient Information for this patient.

Q       Add Claim to default working queue

R       Post Rejection Code

RJ      Edit Rejection

STM     Print Patient Account Statement 

T       Select Transaction for posting single amount

W       View Recent billing dates and types.

WO      Write off all line items at once.

0       ( Zero ) Exit - Same as Escape key

>       Right Arrow Move Forward one claim - same as P     

<       Left Arrow - Move Back one claim

v       Down Arrow - View ERA(s)

{ESC}   Escape Key      Exit to menu

??      Show Help Menu


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