Small Balance Write-Off Procedure

Small Balance Batch Write-off


Last Revised 5/22/2021




This program is designed to write-off uncollectable insurance and/or delinquent patient accounts based on a number of parameters which include primary and secondary insurance groups, number of days since last billing and number of statements sent.




Form the Main menu select #23 (Settings ) or from the legacy menu select #10 ( Management Functions ) and then #15 ( Small Balance Write-off )

or type ADJBATCH in the search apps field on the main menu.


Example Menu is below:







( continued )

  1. Enter Starting Date of Payment entry ( Includes ERA auto-posted payments )

  2. Enter Ending Date of Payment entry


Example: 05/01/2021 – 05/31/2021


  1. Number of Days since last billed ( Range 30 –365 )

  2. Enter number of times billed. This includes statement count when Patient Balances are checked

  3. Enter Transaction Code for the Insurance write-off ( Must be an adjustment code )

  4. Enter Transaction Code for the Patient write-off ( Must be an adjustment code )

  5. Enter maximum $ amounts for the batch write-off process. Leaving this field blank will write-off any $ amount.

  6. You may include credits for Insurance or Patient write-offs by checking the appropriate checkbox.


Click the Green Ok Check Mark to start running the write-off procedure.



See example below:




During the batch process procedure you will receive this prompt for confirmation of the first write-off:




The Insurance Code with display along with the Order Number of the policy

Example: P/S: 2 = Secondary.


For this prompt you may respond

Yes – Write-Off the amounts listed and continue to prompt for each write-off

No – Do not Write-Off this time

Yes to All – Write-Off all remaining amounts including this one and stop asking this question

Quit – Exit the program – No changes will be made past this point including this transaction


When the write-off procedure is completed, the following report is available:



RANGE: 06162021-06162021 DAYS SINCE BILLED: 30 - MIN TIMES: 0 TX: w W




BROWN, CHARLES TEST 000040 04/20/2018 17.36 w

O'DEAN, MARY A. TEST 000020 03/18/2021 50.00 w




TOTALS $67.36


Accounts with balances that are out of range will list on separate report.


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